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The Art of the Elevator Pitch With DJ Arie

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The Art of the Elevator Pitch With DJ Arie

Waktu:Tempat:Tiket:Kontak Penyelenggara:
12, 13, 15, & 17 Desember 2014
12 Des Gedung Sasana Krida Unjani Cimahi | 13 Des Kampus Polman Bandung | 15 Des Aula Saridiredja Unpas Lengkong | 17 Des Trans Studio Bandung
IDR 50K |for Trans Studio Bandung IDR 150K
Polman : 0896 5910 9107 | Unpas : 0896 2931 7775 | Unjani : 0857 2255 8831 | TSB : 0857 2400 0077

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